Henrietta Dixon Tutu, MSN, APN
Board Certified Nurse Practitioner
I have been with B&B Medical Billing Solutions, since September of 2009. Receiving reimbursements from insurance carriers has become increasingly more complicated. The best decision for my practice was to outsource my billing to B&B Medical Billing Solutions. They have proven themselves to be experts in the field of Medical billing with superior knowledge and a feel for quality of care. My reimbursements are now maximized to their full potential. B&B Medical Billing Solutions has handled every aspect of my billing and every question has always been turned into a solution. I have always felt that quality is important, and B&B Medical Billing Solutions, is a premium service.
I truly could not accomplish what I am able to accomplish in my private practice (including the number of patients I see) without B&B Medical Billing Solutions expert billing services".
- Amber M. Johnson Psy.D, Meratrip, LLC
©2013 bandbmedbilling.com All RightsReserved
Sandra and her team are phenomenal at what they do. Our paths crossed at the onset of my practice, and it was a miracle to have such a formidable team behind my practice. B&B Medical Billing Solutions helped me throughout the various and numerous processes of credentialing with many providers. The Account Executives at B&B Medical Billing Solutions know and understand the insurance business. They are knowledgeable in every aspect of medical billing and credentialing. Their expertise in CPT coding guarantees a greater return on your reimbursements. We have received superior services and excellent customer services from B&B Medical Billing Solutions. It is always a pleasure to do business with B&B Medical Billing Solutions. They are extremely professional and ethical in the way they conduct their business.
Felicia Etuke,PhD,LPC,LCADC,ACS, Grace Abounds Counseling & Psychological Consulting,LLC
"I want to first mention that I appreciated the most professional and efficient way in which B&B Medical Billing Solutions has helped me through the process of setting up my practice from start to finish. I cannot express my gratitude enough about B&B Medical Billing Solutions. Their Account Executives worked with me through the entire process of getting me credentialed with any and every Payor and Plan I requested. They were extremely professional in every way and followed through with every detail, answering all general questions on credentialing issues that I did not fully understand! "I could have never managed starting my own practice without the assistance of such a company to help me navigate through the complexity that Medical Insurance Credentialing is today. The end results were Phenomenal."